All For You Chapter 2295

Vanni was instantly distraught.

She really wasn’t that scummy, she had a high IQ, she just lacked a bit of practical experience.

Fanny put her phone down, cleared her voice and gathered her courage to communicate with the dog.

“That, it’s my first time but I have looked up the process of helping dogs with their baths and I promise I’ll wash and smell good for you, which one of you wants to go first”


The five dogs didn’t know if they were listening or not, no dog said a word, and coincidentally took a step back and stuck to the far side of the kennel.

They stared warily at Fanny, who was ready to lend her claws to them.

“You’re the youngest, so you’re the one.” Vanni ignored the collective disdain of the dogs and took the smallest one, Twelve, in her arms.

The persimmon is the soft one.

Little Twelve was the smallest and definitely the best to wash.

“Woof woof.”

Hachi, who is gentle and tame, saw Fanny just holding Little Twelve and not hurting it, barked twice and quieted down.

He followed Fanny even though he was reluctant to have his own doggie carried away.

Little Twelve struggled a little at first, but after Fanny smoothed its fur, it immediately rubbed itself against her arms and licked her chin with its head tilted.

Fanny’s eyes widened as she laughed in frustration.

Sister Liu Liu was right, Little Twelve was the most rascal and the most adorable, and it was the easiest to deal with him.

Fanny carried the dogs into the special bathroom. The four little puppies were still small enough to use the tub bath.

There was a small bathtub that Tang Qianqi had prepared just for them. While putting water in the tub, Fanny recalled the steps mentioned in the dog bathing guide.

Avoid the dogs’ eyes and protect their ears, then put Little Twelve in the tub, wet it and give it a doggy bath with the special bathing gel

“I’m practically a genius.”

Fanny couldn’t help but exclaim when she saw Little Twelve, who was so comfortable that she was half-squinting and letting her help with the scrubbing.

The first time she had ever helped a dog take a bath and done it so perfectly.

Her brother was simply underestimating her and was actually worried that she couldn’t manage it alone, she should have just asked him to come over and show her her excellent operation, it would definitely light up his eyes

When Fanny finished rubbing Little Twelve, she was just about to take him out of the bath and give him another rinse with running water. To her surprise, just as she picked up Little Twelve, Little Eight, who was waiting on the sidelines, thought it was his turn to wash, stomped off and jumped into the bath.


The bathtub was full of foamy water, all splashing onto Fanny’s body.

There was also a cloud of foam that splashed on top of her head, blowing in the wind slowly turning into water and running down her forehead

Fanny was confused.

Hachi, who had done something wrong, was also confused, his large body crouched in the tiny tub, his doggy head looking from side to side as if he was wondering why the tub wouldn’t fit him.

The worst part was that with this, Hachi had brought down several small dogs behind him.

All of them were pouncing around the tub, trying to climb into it.

“I’ll have to do it one by one, don’t do that,” said Fanny, holding the little twelve that hadn’t been rinsed off yet, not bothering to change her wet clothes, and scrambling to keep order.

She tried to get the three little dogs out of the bathroom first, but Hachi was crouched in the bath, so the three little dogs wouldn’t leave!

When Fanny was careless, Little Twelve popped out of her hand, and just as she stood up on the floor, she immediately shook her head, followed by her body

Fanny’s nerves flared