All For You Chapter 2287

A seventeen-year-old girl with a youthful air all over her body.

A pretty face with delicate, three-dimensional features and a touching playfulness between the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

She is wearing a pale yellow blouse, a white denim skirt and a pair of simple canvas shoes on her feet.

The little yellow duck’s shoulder bag comes with its own cute point.

Without the warmth of Fan Yu or the delicate warmth of Qiao Yuan Fei, Fanny has a unique air about her, young, confident and energetic.

It makes people feel relaxed and happy when they see her.

“Uncle Tang, Aunt Shangxin!”

Fanny is also very nice, as soon as she got off the lift and saw Tang Yuansi and Shangxin, she immediately ran up to them, greeted them and then jumped into Shangxin’s arms.

“Auntie, I missed you so much!”

Shang Xin’s heart suddenly softened and hugged her back, smiling and teasing, “I missed you too, I was still a bit sad that Qiqi was in hospital, but now that I see you all appearing one by one, suddenly I’m not so sad for Qiqi anymore, let me take a good look, I haven’t seen you for a while, Xiao Ni has grown up to be a big girl.”

“No, if it weren’t for the fact that Qi already has little Liu Liu, I would want him to go and abduct Xiao Ni to be my daughter-in-law.” Tang Yuansi teased from the side.

Of their group of friends, he was the most miserable, with only a bare son.

When Mo Eternal and Zheng Yan had welcomed their twin little princesses, he was living a life of purgatory.

Not so much now.

There’s a saying that thirty years of the river is east and thirty years of the river is west.

The children are all grown up, and when they reach the age of marriage, who is happiest?

He is, of course!

Others can’t eat or sleep well and worry that someone is going to come and abduct their little princess.

Don Juanes is the opposite, he only has one smelly son and whoever wants him will take him, and if he’s lucky, he’ll bring back someone else’s smelly little princess.

This time, Tang Qianqi has been a good sport and has abducted Tang Yuansi’s favourite little Liu Liu.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not married, and you can’t help but think about the two children who are not married and how hard they are trying not to be dejected.

Now that he saw Fanny, he couldn’t help but worry for Fan Yu.

This little princess in the heart of the hand, into a big girl, still so playful and lovely, if by which a small rascal to cheat can do?

Why didn’t he have a son back then?

I don’t know if it’s too late to adopt one ……

“I knew Uncle Tang loved me the most, I love Uncle Tang the most!” Fanny turned around and hugged Tang Yuansi, and opened her mouth with a burst of rainbow farts, instantly coaxing Tang Yuansi into a frenzy of joy and taking her mobile phone and walking to the side to call Fan Yu in dejection.


Vanni clapped her hands in relief.

Having been brought up in a family where women were respected by men, Fanny knew exactly how to make her uncles happy.

When she saw Tang Yuansi on the phone, she greeted Shang Xin and was just about to enter the ward to see Tang Qianqi when she turned around and saw Fanny standing at the door of the ward …… and Zhong Ruishu standing beside him.

Fanny’s body stiffened, the smile on her face disappeared for an instant, and she stood frozen in place, looking at the two people standing in front of her from a short distance away.

The line of sight moved down a little and fell to their ten-fingered hands ……

She sub pupils suddenly tightened, her heart seemed to be pierced by a needle, painful she wanted to bend down.

Is this the girl he likes?

Quiet, serene, fallen …… nothing like her.