All For You Chapter 2054

Yu Yuehan: “……”

Tang Yuansi’s words made Yu Yuehan hesitate.

Thinking about it, it made sense.

He had been ahead of Fan Yu in everything in his life, but if he ended up marrying his little princess into the Fan family, wouldn’t that be like losing everything?

Yu Yuehan raised his eyebrows and looked at Fan Yu.

Fan Yu was still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window on the phone, setting up for the wedding.

The tone of voice was as happy as it could be.

When people are happy, they can’t help but be dejected.

“Uncle,, I’m getting married, this call today is a special invitation for you to come to my wedding with Fifi …… Yes, we are childhood friends and have a son ……”

“Great aunt, it’s like this, I’m getting married …… Fifi is beautiful and smart ……”

“Auntie, wanted to ask you if you have any time recently, I’m getting married ……”


Yu Yue Han heard some ears trembling.

He was complimenting his daughter-in-law over and over again, emphasizing that he had a son, and he wasn’t too tired of it?

This look of Fan Yu, how he looks more and more familiar ……

When Yu Yuehan realized who he looked like, he could not listen to him anymore.

When he looked at Fanfan again, he instantly became disagreeable as well.

Tang Yuansi was right, he could not give Fan Yu the opportunity to come in front of him.

If Little Liu Liu really wanted to marry, give couldn’t marry Fan Yu’s son!

With such a comparison, Tang Yuan Si’s son suddenly isn’t so annoying ……

“Ten years brother, you still can’t trust my character? In the future, if Little Liu Liu really marries into the Tang family, I will definitely love her as my own daughter!”

When Tang Yuansi saw that Yu Yuehan’s face was not right, he was about to strike while the iron was hot and settle the matter.

In the next second, he saw Yu Yuehan’s mouth smile frivolously.

“Even if Fan Yu’s son can’t be married, who says Little Liu Liu has to marry your son?”

The world was so big, and his little princess was still so small.

He wasn’t in a hurry!

As long as his little princess is happy, he can afford not to marry for the rest of her life!

Tang Yuan Si: “……”

What a mess, a basket case?


Tang Yuansi turned his head to look for Shangxin to comfort him, but when he turned around, he found that both Nian Xiaomu and Shangxin, who were in the living room earlier, had disappeared.

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Just as I was about to ask the housekeeper, the figures of Nian Xiaomu and Shangxin appeared at the stairway at the same time.

Shang Xin was holding little Tang Bao, who had just woken up from a nap, in her arms.

Nian Xiaomu was holding little Liu Liu, who was also holding a milk bottle in his hand.

It wasn’t hers, it was little Tangbao’s.

Just after walking downstairs, she immediately trotted into the kitchen and asked the nanny to make milk for her.

Standing dutifully by herself, she pads her toes and watches.

And muttering under her breath.

“It mustn’t be too hot, my brother will cry and cry when he’s hungry and can’t drink from his grandmother, and little Liu Liu will cry and cry along with him~”

Taking the bottle from the nanny’s hand, she took a sip herself first.

Making sure the temperature was just right, he carried the bottle and ran to the front of the sofa ta-da.

Shang Xin had already sat down with little Tang Bao in her arms and was tying his little bib for milk.

Little Liu Liu leaned over the edge of the sofa, lowered his head and gave little Tang Bao a kiss on his handsome little face, then familiarly stuffed the pacifier into his mouth.

“Be a good boy and drink your grandma, sister loves you the most!”


Little Tang Bao took two hard sips, heard her words, as if he could understand, and suddenly stopped.

Big black eyes blinked, as if shy, and shrunk his neck.

Finally, he giggled again.

Both little hands struggled to lift, trying to grab the bottle themselves, sipping anxiously and sagely.

Only the big eyes kept staring straight at little Liu Liu.

As if asking, “Am I good like this?