All For You Chapter 2045

There were only four words, but they startled Qiao Yuan Fei.

Even though Fanfan had just said that her father would come to pick them up, Qiao Yuanfei didn’t take it to heart, but just assumed that Fanfan was missing Fan Yu and said so out of habit.

When she really turned around and saw Fan Yu coming from a short distance away, her heart thumped.

She unconsciously stepped back, and if it weren’t for the presence of Fanfan, she probably would have been unable to resist turning her head and running.

It was.

She wanted to run.

Because she had absolutely no idea how she was going to face Van Yu now.

She would rather she was really ready to take Fanfan and leave, rather than coming over to see Nian Xiaomu on purpose.

With Fan Yu’s intelligence, as soon as he saw her appear here, he would immediately understand the purpose of her visit.

He would definitely be angry, right?

Angry that she had taken it upon herself to come and pick up the plane.

Angry at her for adding to Nian Xiaomu’s troubles.

And bringing Fanfan with her ……

Qiao Yuanfei’s mind was in a mess, thinking of all the reasons why Fan Yu might be angry.

The only reason he wouldn’t be angry would probably be to see his own white moonlight, joy overriding his anger, not bothering with her at this time.

If that was the case, she would rather him be angry at her than see him ignore her in front of everyone else ……

She was afraid she couldn’t bear it.

Qiao Yuanfei was a little afraid to look at Fan Yu, and couldn’t help but look up at him again.

Seeing him striding in his direction, he even tensed up to the point of twisting his head to look around himself, trying to make sure if Nian Xiaomu was standing beside her.

Was Fan Yu walking this way to find her, or was he looking for Nian Xiaomu?

Qiao Yuanfei couldn’t even think at this moment, she hadn’t told Fan Yu that she was here, how would Fan Yu know?

All she could think about now was how Fan Yu would introduce her in front of Nian Xiaomu ……


Before Qiao Yuan Fei could come up with an answer, Fan Fan saw Fan Yu and was already walking happily to the front.

Fan Yu gave him a look and reached out to touch his head, but instead of hugging him, he crossed over to his tiny body and continued on his way.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Yuan Fei’s heart sank a little.

Sure enough, once his white moonlight appeared, there was no longer anyone else in his eyes.

Qiao Yuan Fei’s eyes were a little bit astringent and subconsciously wanted to turn around and not look at Fan Yu, but the next second, she saw a handsome figure that stopped in front of her.

Without giving her any chance to react, he reached out and took her into his arms with all his might!

A familiar scent, a familiar posture.

The person in front of her, strange and familiar.

It was clearly the face she loved the most, but the panic and anxiety on his face was like nothing she had ever seen before.

She had never seen such an exasperated look on Van Yu’s body ……

Moreover, he didn’t even look at Nian Xiaomu, he just walked straight up to her ……

Qiao Yuanfei was dumbfounded.

“Why didn’t you answer my call? You know I was worried about you …… worried that you were ready to leave without me as long as your son.”

Fan Yu said, his arms tightly imprisoned the person in his arms.

Magnetic voice with a rare dominance.

“Qiao Yuan Fei, it’s my first time to fall in love, I might be a bit slow and use the wrong methods, but I am willing to learn, please give me some time and don’t give up on me easily, okay?”

Fan Yu said, lowering his head and gently kissing her ear.

The tone with a hint of supplication made the heart soften at once.

Not only did Qiao Yuan Fei’s heart soften, her person was also dumbfounded.

Looking at Fan Yu in front of her, she only felt like she was dreaming.