All For You Chapter 2025

The two men stared in unison.

Before Fu Xi could make any expression, Qiao Yuan Fei’s eyes were already looking towards the changing room.

In her eyes, there was suspicion.

The changing room was right next to where they were sitting, and although the door was closed and they couldn’t see inside, they should be able to hear them.

Could it be that there was someone in there?

“My relationship with Yu is not as vulgar as you say, we’re just ……” Fu Xi settled down, worried that Qiao Yuan Fei had found someone in the changing room, and spoke anxiously to divert her attention.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she realized she had no way to refute it.

Was it possible to say that she and Fan Yu were just divine friends?

We are all adults, she really seems a bit retarded to say that ……

But if she didn’t say that, she didn’t know how she should take it at all.

Finally gritting her teeth, she put her heart on the line.

“Even if something had happened to you, that’s all in the past, and now that I’m back, I’m confident that everything will be different.”


Qiao Yuan Fei didn’t seem to care, slowly withdrawing her hand propped up on the desk and folding her arms.

A hint of extermination flashed under her eyes.

“It’s indeed different, after all, I’m pregnant now, we’ll soon be a real family of four, you can’t even catch up!”



This time it rang out simultaneously, two muffled thuds.

Apart from Fan Yu, who was hiding in the changing room, even Fu Xi, who was sitting in front of Qiao Yuan Fei at the moment, fell to the ground unable to fight back.

Grabbing the edge of the table with one hand, she rose from the floor.

With difficulty, her chin rested against the table and she looked from the level of the table to Qiao Yuanfei’s stomach.

It was really hard to imagine that a baby was already hidden inside that flat little belly ……

The expression on Qiao Yuan Fei’s face was so real.

It’s so real that one can’t doubt her words at all.

Fu Xi was dumbfounded.

Completely at a loss as to how to proceed.

Once again, she turned her head towards the dressing room.

When she wasn’t looking, Qiao Yuanfei spat out her tongue.

Reaching up, she touched her flat belly, her heart weak to the core.

She and Fan Yu had just slept together, and even if she hadn’t done anything to protect herself, how could she know so quickly if there was a baby.

She was just seeing that Fu Xi was too arrogant and deliberately scamming her.

The two consecutive moves Fu Xi made to turn her head to look at the dressing room were subconscious, with no thought of covering up.

When Qiao Yuan Fei looked up, she saw it just in time.

The first time she thought it was a coincidence that the same thing happened twice, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

Looking at Fu Xi’s expression again, she seemed more surprised than struck, and vaguely sensed in her heart that something didn’t seem right.

Besides, didn’t they say that Fan Yu had been with Fu Xi all day today?

Where is he now?

Qiao Yuan Fei returned to her senses, and a glint flashed under her eyes.

The two untimely voices that had just sounded in the dressing room flashed through her mind, and she oohed and aahed as she got up from her chair and walked forward.

“Miss Qiao, this is our staff’s dressing room, outsiders cannot easily enter.”

Fu Xi rushed forward anxiously just as she reached the door, stopping her in her tracks.

This was her turf, and hearing her alarm, someone immediately wanted to come forward and ask questions.

If she did wait for someone to come, it would be impossible for Qiao Yuanfei to open the changing room again.

This is how you try to stop her ……

Qiao Yuan Fei’s eyes blinked, glanced at the security guard who hadn’t arrived yet, and walked straight towards Fu Xi with her belly out.

“I’m telling you, I’m really pregnant, if you dare to stop me, in case something happens, you are responsible for it!”