All For You Chapter 1959

“Beautiful Auntie!”

As soon as Little Liu Liu saw Qiao Yuan Fei, he immediately jumped forward excitedly and reached out to hug her thighs.

Her little pink face was slightly tilted up, with a face that begged for a hug.

“I miss you too.”

Qiao Yuan Fei was pounced upon, and the apprehension and anxiety she had felt on the way dissipated upon seeing Little Liu Liu.

She bent down to hug Little Liu Liu and couldn’t help but give her a few kisses on her little cheeks.

Stroking her fine, soft hair, she asked, “Are you hungry?”

“I’m not hungry when I see Auntie, Auntie, come quickly, I’ll show you my little brother!”

Little Liu Liu’s eyes lit up at the mention of her little brother.

Crawling out of Qiao Yuanfei’s arms, he pulled Qiao Yuanfei and tried to get her to come into the living room.

With a raised hand, she pointed to the front.

“What little brother ……”

Qiao Yuan Fei was in a daze when she followed Little Liu Liu’s finger and saw Fanfan standing in front of her and jolted!

Unbelievably wide eyed, like she suspected her eyes were wrong.

How could someone who was supposed to be abroad be here ……

Still in Van Yu’s villa ……

It must be her illusion!

Fanfan, who was rather formal, was dragged out stiffly by Little Liu Liu, with half of her body still stuck in the doorway.

The second she saw Qiao Yuan Fei, her entire body froze.

With dark eyes, he stared blankly at the person in front of him, and forgot to run.

Both people stood still, you looking at me, I looking at you.

No one spoke first, not even daring to blink their eyes.

Like they were both wondering if they had looked at each other wrong.

“Why did you come out without a jacket?”

Van Yu came down from upstairs, saw Van standing in the doorway, walked up with his little jacket and draped it over him.

He picked Van up and raised his eyes to look at the two people standing in the courtyard.

“Fan Yu poop!”

Little Liu Liu saw him come out and immediately pulled his legs up and ran towards him.

Excitedly, he reported the news of Qiao Yuan Fei’s arrival.

The moment Qiao Yuanfei saw Fan Yu pick up Fan Fan, the blood on his face faded away in a swish.

Staring straight in shock, she should even have her nostrils dilated by now if not surprisingly ……

She was already too frightened to manage her expression.

It was the last of her stubbornness that she didn’t just go limp on the floor with weak legs ……

That scene just now kept stimulating her pupils.

It made her completely unsure of what her reaction should be.

Baby ……

What’s the baby doing here in Van Yu?

Are they getting along like this …… Van Yu knows something?

Qiao Yuan Fei swallowed hard, there was no way to take her eyes off of them.

Wanting to go forward, but not daring to do so.

Her heart was still holding on to the last trace of hope, hoping that someone would come and tell her that this scene in front of her was just her dream ……

Her resistant reaction caught Van Yu’s eye, and his dark eyes sank slightly.

Is she that unwilling to come to him?

Had his words the other day, when he told her not to show up again, played right into her mind?

She must have had a good time in the last few days away from him.

“If you don’t want to come in, you can leave now.” Van Yu narrowed his eyes and opened his lips coldly.

Qiao Yuan Fei: “……”

“No you can’t leave no you can’t! Auntie, you haven’t even made dumplings for Little Liu Liu, Little Liu Liu wants to eat dumplings, and my Fan Yu poop misses you too, he just has a tough mouth.”

When Little Liu Liu heard Qiao Yuan Fei wanted to leave, he turned his head and pounced back, hugging her thighs.

He sold Fan Yu clean.

Fan Yu: “……”

Qiao Yuan Fei: “……”

Qiao Yuan Fei looked up at him as Fan Yu sheepishly turned around and walked inside with Fan Fan in his arms.