All For You Chapter 1820

He glanced slightly sideways, towards the door of the villa, his arm on the car door, but hesitant to push it open and get out.

What flashed in front of his eyes were the playful and angry face of Nian Xiaomu, the quirky and naughty appearance of Xiao Liu Liu, and …… Qiao Yuan Fei’s impenetrable concealment.

He is not a kind person.

If it wasn’t for Little Six Six, he wouldn’t have, time and time again, let Qiao Yuanfei have the opportunity to get close to him.

In fact, so far, his impression of her remained complicated.

She was not an absolute bad person, but there were too many secrets about her.

From the hidden compartment of the car, Van Yu took out a cigarette and lit it.

Took a deep puff and exhaled.

The white smoke, draped around his handsome face, seemed to blur even the night.

A cigarette finished.

He twisted the cigarette out, pushed open the car door and got out, pacing inside.

The butler was still awake.

When he saw Fan Yu return, he was busy to welcome him.

“Young Fan, you are back, the antidote tea has been prepared, and there is also a snack ……” Halfway through the butler’s words, he smelled the smell of smoke on Fan Yu’s body, and his whole body froze a little at once.

The old eyes gave Fan Yu a startled look, as if suspecting that he had smelled wrong.

He had served the young master for many years, and his young master rarely smoked, bordering on non-smoking.

It was only occasionally when he was in a bad mood, or when he was very busy at work, that he would smoke one.

Sometimes, it was just that he would not touch it for half a year.

Why this evening ……

The housekeeper thought of Qiao Yuan Fei who slept upstairs and hastily spoke up.

“Little Miss is asleep, but Miss Qiao hasn’t left yet, I just went upstairs to check, the door of the room was closed and it was quiet inside, so she should be sleeping with Little Miss.”

“Hmm.” Fan Yu’s eyes flickered slightly, without saying anything, he took off his jacket and handed it to the housekeeper, turned around and walked upstairs.

Walking to where the staircase entrance was, his steps paused again and he turned back to look at the housekeeper.

“Did anything special happen tonight?”

“Young Master means ……,” the butler said with some hesitation.

Van Yu reached up to remove the watch on his wrist while glancing at the butler with a sidelong glance.

The butler instantly had a chill down his spine and was busy speaking, “There is nothing else, but there is one thing that is related to Miss Qiao.”

Fan Yu’s face eased slightly and he raised his eyebrows to indicate him to continue.

Butler: “When Miss Qiao was helping Little Miss take a bath tonight, she accidentally got her clothes wet.”

“……” Van Yu frowned.

What kind of big deal is this?

He waved his hand and told the butler to go down and rest first, and he lifted his steps upstairs.

“Young master ……” the housekeeper wanted to say something, but Fan Yu’s figure had already disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

The night was deep.

The large villa is silent.

Only the sound of shallow footsteps resounded in the hallway.

With his hands in his trouser pockets and a steady gait, Fan Yu deliberately lightened his movements as he pushed open the door to the guest room.

When he walked into the room, there was no one inside.

The empty bed, and the cool scent in the air, reminded him that the place had been empty for at least one night.

Where were Qiao Yuan Fei and Xiao Liu Liu?

Didn’t the housekeeper say they were asleep ……

Thinking of something, Fan Yu turned and went out of the guest room, lifting his steps towards his own room in the master bedroom.

When he reached the door, he heard a muffled sound coming from the room.

It sounded like something had fallen to the floor.

Thinking of Little Liu Liu’s bizarre sleeping position and his inability to rest for a moment, his nerves flared and he pushed straight through the door without thinking too much, striding inside.

Just as he reached the bed, his whole body froze ……