All For You Chapter 1613

Tam Bam Bam: “……”!!!

Tan Beng Beng was suddenly put on the bed by him, and the whole person did not even look back, a sturdy figure, already pressed onto her.

Unlike the usual Qi Yan who likes to tease her and watch her blush and hide, today’s Qi Yan is very eager and all he wants to do is undress her and go straight to the point – make a doll!

“Qi Yan, this is my brother’s villa, he might be back any minute!”

Tan Bumpy snapped out of her shock and hurriedly reached out to push him.

It didn’t budge.

It was as if Qiyam had laid nails in his lower plate, standing steady as a mountain by the bed, concentrating on undressing her.

Tan Avalanche whole person is still confused, did not understand what in the end happened, then feel the body cool, clothes have been taken off by him almost ……

“Mo Eternal went out at this time, must have gone to Zheng Yan, he went to the Zheng family villa, it is impossible to walk a corner and come back, maybe he and I played the same idea, that is just right, we do not affect each other, is not together beautiful!”

The two-colored pupils of Qi Yan’s evil temperament swept through a dark light.

He lowered his head and kissed Tan Beng Beng on the cheek, proudly saying.

If Mo Eternal was not here, Bumpy was his alone, and he could eat and wipe her dry before holding her for a beautiful sleep.

When Mo Eternal returns tomorrow, he will leave silently.

Thinking about it this way, he could actually come over to her every day to make a doll, without eloping ……

The first thing you need to do is to take off your own clothes when you see that Tan Beng Beng Beng’s clothes are almost off, and you’re in a good mood like you’re on a roller coaster, so you can go to heaven, just like humming a little song.

“My brother’s not here and I didn’t promise to make a doll with you!” Tanbaeng glanced at his chest, her ears flushed unconsciously, and she burrowed under the covers, looking away from him.

The voice was a muffled reminder.

What kind of person was like him, one minute coming to the door and wanting to elope, the next changing his mind about making a doll.

Is that how dolls are made?

He hadn’t even asked her opinion on who was going to give him a baby?

Tam Beng Beng’s mind was in a mess, like a tangled mess.

She had just felt that she cared a little for Qi Yan, and hadn’t yet figured out if this care was considered love.

Their reasons for being together were strange, and so were her reasons for agreeing to stay by his side in the first place.

Even her pregnancy, too, was strange.

She had always believed that he had really tied the knot and had never thought, at all, that he would lie to her.

From lying about being crippled, to lying about getting tied later, even when she was pregnant, he used the lie ……

Sometimes Tan Avalanche can’t even tell which of his words are true and which are not.

Once, he was the most disgusting kind of person.

The kind who did as he pleased, the kind who was outrageously evil.

But I don’t know when she had started to gradually get used to having him around, to caring about his moods, to aching for him …… just for a little half day without seeing him, and unconsciously wanting to go looking for him.

Perhaps, she has long liked him, just that even she did not find ……

“Tan Beng Beng, stop it, a moment of spring is worth a thousand gold, in case Mo Eternal suddenly kills back later …… No no, we have to hurry!” Qi Yan flung her down on the bed and lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Just a few days apart, he was sad as if he had been separated for years, comparable to parting from life and death.

The scent of medicine on her body, if anything, immediately made his heart soar.