All For You Chapter 1219

Kiyama is not joking.

He had really thought of it.

After crouching on the ground and drawing countless circles cursing Nian Xiaomu, he thought of how he was going to save Nian Xiaomu’s grandfather.

Qi Yan thought to himself that maybe it wasn’t just Tan Beng Beng who owed Nian Xiaomu in his previous life, he owed her in his previous life as well.

As soon as he entered the laboratory.

All the expressions on Qi Yan’s face closed up.

The clothes on his body were changed into the sterile clothes of the experiment, and the gold-rimmed gla*ses on the bridge of his nose were replaced with observation gla*ses with special lenses.

Looking at Tan Avalanche, who was following him and had also finished changing, he instructed her to help prepare the materials.

This was the first time that Qi Yan had other people around him when he was doing experiments in the laboratory.

The moment Tan Beng Beng saw the laboratory in front of him, she was taken aback!

She had always known that there must be a secret room hidden in his room.

She just hadn’t expected it to be this big at all!

Not only was it big, but it was covered with sophisticated instruments that she recognised as being all state-of-the-art medical instruments.

Seeing the computers, phones, surveillance screens everywhere once she came in at the lab door ……

The image of her begging him to borrow a phone several times when she was first picked up by him flashed through Tan Beng Beng’s mind.

He had so many tools in his lab to contact the outside world, and he was still able to lie to her with a straight face!


Qi Yan noticed that her face didn’t look right and his nerves flared, “Let’s be clear, if you go over old scores with me now, I won’t save Nian Xiaomu’s grandfather!”


Tan Beng Beng bit her lip and shook her head.

Indicating that she wasn’t going to rehash old scores with him.

Qiyam: “Not only can’t you reopen it today, after today, you can’t either!”


Tanbaeng glanced at him coolly and nodded through clenched teeth.

Only then was Qi Yan relieved to lead her inside.

On the lab table, the pill that Mo Eternal had handed them had been cut into small pieces and put into various vessels for countless ingredient analyses.

Tan Avalanche walked up and saw the data report sitting next to the lab table and picked it up to take a look.

“There are uncertainties in the results of the drug composition analysis?”

She frowned.

How could this be?

Normally, after rigorous instrumentation, this rarely happens.

“It’s because of this.” Qi Yan reached over and picked up a clear plastic bag containing a small blade of gra*s from the side.

Tan Beng Beng remembered this small gra*s.

She had seen one exactly like it when he had asked her to help pick herbs at the herb garden, and had had the eyes to carry it in her hand and ask him what it was at the time.

He replied with four words, “It’s worth a lot of money”, and she was so frightened that she lifted it with both hands and held it carefully in her palm, which she still remembers.

Little did she know that a small blade of gra*s would be the key to the antidote!

“Monitor the data for me, I need to try another method, re-add the ingredients of the herb to the medicine, any more or less won’t do, tell me immediately when it reaches saturation value!”

“Good!” Tan Beng Beng nodded without hesitation.

She was a doctor and was familiar with all the equipment in his lab.

It was perfectly fine to cooperate with Qi Yan.

Qi Yan only gave one command and plunged into a new round of experiments.

This was the first time Tan Bump saw him working seriously, very calm and focused ……

The evil peach blossom eyes, the frivolous thin lips.

Even the immodesty that usually annoys people disappears.

In the laboratory, he is the emperor of the world, snapping his fingers and pointing the way.