All For You Chapter 1113

She was moving really fast.

Everyone was just coming back to their senses when her speedboat was already rushing out.

The aide hurriedly shouted, “Quick! Stop her!”

Several speedboats instantly rushed back in front of Tan Avalanche, stopping her in her tracks.

The scene was somewhat stagnant for a moment.

The men the a*sistant had brought with him had Qi Yan’s order not to harm Tan Bumpy and were too scared to make a move against her.

Tan Beng Beng was in a hurry to leave, and he was relentless.

Although it will not kill them, but in a short time, there is nothing they can do to her ……

“Miss Tan, it’s not that the master won’t let you go, it’s that the situation in h-city is a bit complicated now, there are people watching the master, if you go ashore like this, it’s easy to be in danger, the master is doing it for your own good!”

The a*sistant advised bitterly.

What he said was not a lie.

Apart from Yu Yuehan’s men, they had also discovered that there was another force, and it was not yet known what it was, except that the other side also seemed to be staring in their direction.

Until they could tell friend from foe, it would be easy for Tan Beng Beng to fall into the hands of others if they went ashore alone like this.

When that happens, not only will she not be able to meet the person she wants to see, she will only be in danger herself!

The a*sistant wanted to say something else, but Tan Beng Beng was no longer convinced.

Qi Yan had lied to her too many times.

The longer she stayed on the cruise ship, the more uneasy she became.

No matter what, she must leave today!

These people brought by the a*sistant could not stop her at all.

It was only today that the a*sistant found out that Tan Beng Beng was actually so good at fighting!

Not only was she fast and agile, but she could hit people in the vital points with every move she made.

One move and she’s got the enemy!

The a*sistant had only seen this type of attack once before …… was his master!

As he watched, almost all the people he had brought with him, were put down by Tan Avalanche, who came out of the sea for the last time and leapt onto the speedboat, the a*sistant could only watch her leave, helpless to stop ……

Just then, there was a sudden roar of an engine from behind them!

Tan Beng Beng turned around alertly and saw Qi Yan, who was not far away, speeding towards her on a jet ski, and her pupils shook violently!

Her eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at the man coming closer and closer to her ……

The fact that he was in a physical condition, how could he dare to ride a jet ski?

Compared to speedboats, jet skis require extremely good balance.

If he was not careful, he would topple into the water!

But as the distance gets closer and closer.

By the time Tan Avalanche saw Qi Yan skillfully riding his jet ski, rushing to her and even standing up from the jet ski ……

Her expression, which was frozen from worry, had turned into shock!

His legs ……

He can actually stand up ……

If he’s fine, then he was …… lying to her again before!

Tan Avalanche, at this moment, looked at Qi Yan, who had leapt from the jet ski to stand on the speedboat and paced towards her, and opened and closed her lips.

There were too many words that he wanted to say.

There were too many doubts that needed to be answered.

In the end, it’s hard to know where to start asking ……

“Had enough of this mess? Come back with me!”

Qi Yan’s demonic sub-pupils narrowed as he extended his hand towards her.

Just as he was about to touch her, Tan Bumpy suddenly swatted his hand away and backed towards the edge of the speedboat.

She had gone down into the sea water several times because she had fought with his men.

The clothes on her body were already soaking wet.

Her hair was also wet, and water was dripping from the ends of her hair, still dripping down.

Looking into his eyes, they were a little red.

I don’t know if they are red from the sea or from his concealment.